Midnight Lovers Black Preserved Rose Bouquet

Tags: Graduation Mother's Day Preserved Bouquet Preserved Flowers Valentine's Day


Whether you're looking to surprise your special someone, or just want to send a heartfelt message of love for a special occasion, our Midnight Lovers preserved rose bouquet is the perfect choice. Each rose is carefully preserved to maintain its deep black colour and velvety texture, creating a bouquet that is both elegant and lasts a lifetime. The black rose is a symbol of mystery, elegance and timelessness, making it the perfect gift for someone special in your life.


Please note that your bouquet may vary slightly from the photo, as we design each unique bouquet based on the availability of blooms. Photos provided are meant to be a style reference and may not match the specific number of flowers exactly as the selection of flowers, greenery, and foliage may vary. Instead, we design our bouquets within the chosen price range. The wrapping and tone of the bouquet will match the photos shown, while any accessories pictured are sold separately.

Pictures may look different in color depending on the resolution.

The color and appearance of Teddy bears may differ from the photo.

Size information (sizes may differ between 3-5cm)

35cm * 54cm (8 Roses)